University of Chicago Medical Center

LeJeune Steel accelerated the steel construction start date over two months ahead of schedule, due to an integrated design approach with the engineer to complete coordination with other trades. LeJeune Steel self-performed the complicated assemblies while managing subcontracts with two local fabrication shops and erectors to maintain an aggressive schedule. Our approach provides agility to quickly respond to design changes and implement with no impact to the overall schedule.
Logistics in an urban environment requires a high level of detailed planning and coordination to encourage timely deliveries in a congested area. Our team expertly developed a delivery plan to support 2+ raising gangs for over 12 months. LeJeune’s ability to fabricate steel quickly provided an opportunity to fabricate ahead of schedule and stage over 500 tons of steel [around 24 flat-beds] near the construction site facilitating tightly coordinated deliveries with the erector.
LeJeune Steel provided numerous items to assist in constructability. At the cores, the deck support angles were switched from angle with embedded connections to a light gauge plate mechanically anchored to the wall. The building had a temporary construction expansion joint that required final connections to be tightened and removal of the expansion joint steel after full enclosure.
LeJeune was able to eliminate these final steps after enclosure through a permanent connection that allowed movement through the construction process, but did not need to be modified for final use. Rooftop screenwall and parapet had field welded connections of galvanized tube steel members.
Connections were designed by LeJeune to allow fully bolted connections utilizing a blind bolt system resulting in greater field efficiency, leaving the galvanizing intact, and eliminating touch-up. 12 foot column outriggers at the building perimeter were shop welded to the columns to eliminate a field welded moment connection. Field welded moment connections were modified to end plate connections, eliminating most field welding at moments. The elevator supplier required extremely large guiderail supports due to the deflection loads. Due to architectural constraints, we worked with engineer of record and tube mill to utilize a tube size that had not been produced for years